Friday, May 11, 2007

to all stupid ixorans who throw things down frm window:

i noe it s kinda hard for everyone bcos there's no electricity for temporary. cause everyone is having final, n burning night oil. but u are not the onli one who s not happy with that. we cant do nothing to do with it except waiting. please use that time for other activities. n DO NOT THROW THINGS FRM UR WINDOW. m kinda shocked to hear that someone's balcony was on FIRE aft a 'burning kite' u created was thrown frm ur balcony. n veisern n niu they al nearly kena glass bottle while walking bac here.

do u noe hw dangerous is tat ? u are so BRAINLESS for not think of the consequences. thx god tat veisern n niu dey al din kena. the glass bottle fall rite bhind them. if they slow abit, they might die. u shud b ashame for wat u ve done, for mayb one day, u ll be kneeling down infront of the victim's dead body, crying and begging for forgiveness. and u hav slepless nite cos u ve killed some1 one. USE UR BRAIN TO THINK. don be sorry tat time. don giv lame excuses n tell everyone tat u din do it on purpose or they are jus unlucky. it s not a glory thing to do. u might reli kill some1!

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