Thursday, January 26, 2006


明天就是27号了。延在vincci的最后一天,想想以后的日子,不知要怎样呢~ 面对那个女人,我真的很乏力。还好祥驯兽般的训练他,最近有进步哦~只是有时受不了他那种小姐样~说好要和延放工一起走走,真希望我和他今天的僵局会打破吧~(我还蛮期待的~!)我还真的不知道他在想什么咧,有时候很喜欢和他讲话,但有时候他又静(严肃吧~)到我不敢接近,很期待他的每一个笑容,却觉得~~也没什么酱咯~今天在vincci的气氛怪怪的,静静的,kwan & auntie都没什么说话,我更加不用说拉~希望以后可以跟他们相处融洽,我不想一直当外人~
难得pastor boon会来cs,看到他,我好高兴哦~知道自己不再是一个人了,也能更刚强吧~!想到以后去读书的日子,好茫然哦~加油吧~我也只能自己鼓励自己吧~

Sunday, January 22, 2006

as usual~

aiyo,i swear tat i ll change to a better n nicer skin..although dis is the skin of the day in,but hor.. i don reli like it..wel,cos las skin got some error,terpaksa use another skin first..gona check n repair lo~
well,work mornin shift usual,take shoes n serve customer..din hav any fresh news to say..thx to jason,i was wakened up at midnight..he s quite a farni guy..sigh..n as usual,i n yan not same shift..dono y we owas cant get same shift,n so cant go makan together..u noe,he s reli cute,as in, to say,i ll fel happy wen i see him..n he s reli farni lo~hhaha..say wei tied up her hair,n tat makes me think of the "say wei" i used to see in SSI,wah,for one month i ve been workin in padini,n i started to miss skul life liao~..
start missin all the frens,every1 depart for their dreams..wat m i doin here? m i wastin my time?hahhaha..
nothin much to say..honestly,i reli dono wat else to say..jes feel free to blog..n hor,i was thinking,mayb i ll blog in chinese one day~ eng s too far frm me..hahha..k la,chaoz~