Sunday, April 30, 2006
da vinci code? true or false?
it s a good book i can say,
n i acc waiting for the screening of the movie on 18th may,
nice to read,but cannot blif the content~
it s all FALSE~
i ve did some research bout the book,
wat s priory of sion? opus dei?
is jesus married or even hav children?
Did Constantine erase the so called "gospel" when compiling the Bible?
(i min the gospel of mary magdalene n the gospel of philip)
It is the most influential secret society in western history. It was used by a guy called Pierre Plantard,claim to being a legitimate pretender to the throne of France.So,Pierre Plantard,Philippe de Cherisey and Gerard de Sede were engaging in an out-and-out confidence trick, describing schemes on how to combat criticisms of their various allegations and how they would make-up new allegations to try and keep the whole thing going.They made out documents--Secret Dossiers,to prove that it s related to the Priory of Sion. After a few attemps, finally they admitted that it s all hoax and they 'created' all forged documents.
(for more info go check
No. Mary Magdalene was certainly close to Jesus. She wept at Jesus' tomb (John 20). Jesus even entrusted her to return and tell the disciples about his resurrection. But we have no reason to believe they were married. Brown says that Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper reveals the secret. He writes that the figure to Jesus' right, traditionally known as the apostle John, is actually Mary. Not true. Artists often gave characters feminine features to portray youth. John was the youngest of the disciples.
Brown correctly observes that few Jewish men of Jesus' day did not marry. But why, then, did the apostle Paul, himself celibate, not mention Jesus and Mary when he argued that apostles could marry (1 Cor. 9:5--Don't we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Cephas)?
The New Testament canon in its current form was first formally attested in 367. And The New Testament we read now,is actually being authorised by the Church in Synod of Carhtage in 397, which is after 72 years after Constantine died. Nevertheless, church leaders applied important standards when compiling the Bible. Authors of accepted writings needed to have walked and talked with Jesus, or at least with his leading disciples. Their teaching could not contradict what other apostles had written, and their documents must have been accepted by the entire church, from Jerusalem to Rome. Church leaders considered earlier letters and reports more credible than later documents. Finally, they prayed and trusted the Holy Spirit to guide their decisions.
The so-called Gnostic gospels, many discovered just last century, did not meet these criteria. Many appeared much later than the Bible and were dubiously attributed to major Christian leaders. Their teachings contrasted with what apostles like Paul had written. For example, many Gnostic writings argued that Jesus did not appear in the flesh, because flesh is evil, or they rejected the Old Testament.
(for more info pls go check on
U noe wat? i reli think tat it s a big joke to all the readers when we noe the "truth" bout the 'da vinci code'. it acc mislead many christians.i dono wat s Brown's purpose to write this book, fame? money? but "We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (2 Pet 1:16)"
Friday, April 28, 2006
i am lucky gal~
i ve been very active in posting my bloggie recently,
n i found one interesting news~
EVERY1 s been influenced by mr EDWIN TSIEN's boom xia dao..
acc i noe dis s his kou tou chan since dono how long b4,
but now d disease ar,spread rapidly among
--- jasmine yoyo,weisern kia,n eejie..n wingee (she used it for quite a long time liao)
n i oso lucky tat i wasnt influenced by wingee's
hahhahah~ tak tahan her saying tat la..
tak tahan wif ed n wingee's BOOM XIA DAO~
n ed has bcom the owner of d copyright of this word
(ed,c,i authorised u liao le~)
dono dis trend/disease ll until when le~
every1 s booming to each other~
EDWIN TSIEN:-- u stil owe me somthing..u got anything to tel me? wen's ur sis wedding?
PENG YOU ZUO DAO JIN TIAN LA.. (even ur HELP-psycologystudent-giordana-lynn oso noe bout it~ peng you zuo dao jin tian la~)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
i wana enter utp le~
sadsad d la..
i ve explain many times to many frens liao
sad d la~ my drem to b P.E.(petroleum engineer)
sad d la~
sad d la~
wel,stil hav to wait for d outcome first
anyway i ve paid for mmu~
n i m ready to go mmu..
but wat shud i do in d next month le?
i don wan to qiao ka at home le~
but wer??
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
bac frm edu camp~
cos u cant imagine how excited i was wen i baru reach der~
here's som of d pic taken in utp~
dis s d chancellor hall,damn big,i tel u,der s 6 storeys library inside,resource centre~
the inside view of chansellor hall.. very big la,n for ur info,we (the students of edu camp) are not allowed to enter the-very-big-n-high-tech academic buildings (i think der r 23/24 buildings der) damn nice lor i tel u~
n den hor,dis s d mosque in utp,damn big n pretty lo~ hahah
dis s d new building of hostel,very clean,very colourful..
so far i onli took dis few buidings of pic onli..
wel,now m goin to tel u how s d life in d camp~
1st day--wel,we spend more time on ice-breaking activities,but it oso prepared the students for the coming interview (on 3rd day)..but my speaker s very lo so,so we bac to hostel bout 11pm~sial la..n den hor,der r 12000++ ppl applied for dis edu cam,2500++ got into dis edu camp,n den dey onli choose 500 students to enter d UTP~ hahha..damn farni~ im so damn lucky man~!
2nd day,we hav English Test in d morning,den we hav career talk..of cos i ll choose petroleum engineering lo~der s a interesting fact--in middle east countries,the average salaray of petroleum engineer is 100,000 USD~ dat s alot k..another interesting fact is--most of d engineers are gals..n another interesting fact is--the engineers don spend lots of time on off shore works,mostly in office one..hahah..n den aft tat is IQ test lo..okla,i admit my iq is not tat high,quite low oso..but hor...40 que to b finished in 20 min..i tel u,i reli cant finished lo,las few que tikam onli~
3rd day,interview..i was damn LUCKY to got the group s supposed to hav 5 groups,group E shud b d las group..n i tot i was lucky tat i wasnt in d las group..but u noe wat? aft tat onli i noe tat der s NO GROUP E in dis i tot--wow,las group..cham~..n den i found tat i wasnt tat LUCKY lo..i was in d las group D,las person in individual interview,n d LAS group interview..d panel was like so tired to hear our discussion..if i reli get into UTP,congrats s beyond my expectation~
to lynn:-- take care in HELP KL..hahha,hope u ll find ur mr."director's son" wen u r bac frm jogging..hahha..
to ed :--update more bout ur tammy-kiasu-lousymathteacher-NYP life der le~ u noe i wen to ipoh n ade bac here mah? dono le~ wat kind of fren? peng you zuo dao jin tian liao la~
to ada:-- few more days u ll hav to fly bac to perth liao..m not reminding u but..i am~ hahahha..enjoy ur life here~spend more time wif ur darling justin la~hahhah
to wg:--take good care of ur self ar,sore throat til now haven recover..take care a~don end up in hospital like kevin hor~hahhah
yea sleppy liao~chaoz
Sunday, April 02, 2006
2nd attempt~
but stupid com lo~
owas liddat to me~ heerrmph~
wel,first day being so damn free at home,
watch "a date wif a vampire 2"
(chinese = wo he jiang shi you ge yue hui 2)
frm episode 7 to 20~
lihai le,impressed le~hahha
quite proud~
but aft non stop watchin tv,
at d moment i turn off tv,
i felt so ........................
cos m reli bored~
dono do wat le~
n i begin to admire shihui liao
tat gal can stay at home
PLAYIN GAMES n do nothin else le
for 3 whole months
me 1 day oso cannt tahan
den i called wg~tellin her how bored i m~
wel,i think tomolo i ll go danga bay find job
dats a gd place le,got sea to watch,
i owas complain tat workin s too tiring,
but ~............................
no workin = sien~
my las day workin in padini is fun
mayb onli i ll think so,
n aft 6pm (my OUT time)
den i started to bid farewell to every1
n kok s leavin too~ sobsobs
n aft tat wen makan cake wif jason
n ivy bot me starbucks~hahha~
tat s my life now,
missing the passed days~
n oya~! i found tat i ve a new kou tou chan of me
tat s------------
jason said i owas sighin on d phone,
though m not tat sad/unhappy/upset.
is tat gd or bad>?
lao2 cal jus now,
we were chattin bout his life in jc
he sounds so singaporean liao
wat CCA la~
(we used to call it --koko)
mayb m too wat liao la,
but his chinese improved~!
at least his pronouciation c more zhun
like a singaporean la
every1 s leavin soon
missin skul life liao lO~
(wat? not again gua~.......)